
Hello, welcome to my blog, Dim Ond Fy Meddyliau which means Just My Thoughts in Welsh. I am Welsh and from the south of Wales. I love my life, sure it's hard sometimes but overall I'm pretty lucky. So here are my ideas, I hope you like them. Follow me if you're interested :) x

Saturday 26 February 2011

Life of a Star Baby...

love to wake up tomorrow, eat fresh fruit, have my hair and make-up styled and wardrobe chosen. go dinee in a 5 star resturant with all my famous friends, record an album, star in a movie, dance on the west end publish a book or become a journalist. but no instead tomorrow i'm gonna wake up around midday, trod off home, scoff stiff cereal, bathe, do homework, revision, clean a little, bathe again, eat fatty pre-heated meals, fall into bed and wake up late on monday.
life of a superstar.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Rocky Horror Obsession

Okay so last night I watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time in years and I forgot how much I loved it. The songs, the costumes, the make-up, Tim Curry's sexyness...it's all so good. 
  If you havem't seen this movie..where have you been living all these years?? Check it out. It's fantastic.

I adore the cast and Dr. Frank n' Furter is my favorite by far but Brad is so hot >,<
But come on you cannot deny that Tim Curry has the hottest legs going? Hid voice is just sex captured in sound. He plays such a good role. You can tell he is just completely loving every single second...

And also halloween ideas anyone?
Stay Sweet & Sexual;) Xx