
Hello, welcome to my blog, Dim Ond Fy Meddyliau which means Just My Thoughts in Welsh. I am Welsh and from the south of Wales. I love my life, sure it's hard sometimes but overall I'm pretty lucky. So here are my ideas, I hope you like them. Follow me if you're interested :) x

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Love is a difficult and twisted thing. I don't want a relationship like my parents. Years of ignoring and secretly hating each other. Evil. I know that love can be difficult and to those who find it I congratulate you. I've grown up knowing nothing but insults and hatred, I grew up seeing love like it was in the movies; hoping that's what love was really like. Now i'm fifteen and my parents have finally admitted they don't love each other anymore; well my mother doesn't love my father. They were disfunctional but they slotted together. They were perfect for each other; a while ago. 

Today I have discovered my mother's been having an affair since August(roughly) and that the guy she was with has moved to spain and they're still in touch. I think this may have been the reason she decided to leave my father. I feel like I've been stabbed or slapped across the face. To think of my mother with someone else it sickens me. I know in the long run she'd find someone else but to know that everyday for the last four months she's been with him; happy and then she's come home and she's angry and upset with us all. If she loved him that much I'd have rather she went to spain with him. 

I don't care about her excuses. She's my mother I feel betrayed that she didn't tell me and I had to read her diary to find it out. Urgh.

1 comment:

  1. You shouldn't think that your mother is angry and upset with you because i don't think that's the case at all. It just so happens she's been in an unhappy marriage all these years from the looks of it. In my opinion, she's only admitted to falling out of love with your father now possibly because of you (and your siblings if any). Maybe she thinks your old enough to understand how she feels?
